I'm Candy, I help

High-Achieving Women

who are




reclaim their brilliance and live life on their own terms.


You are Brilliant

Deep down, you know it too. But in the hustle of life, it’s easy to forget.

Everyone relies on you, and you're probably the hardest-working person you know.

Your Unique Challenges:

You’re tired of constantly feeling like you must prove yourself, being talked down to, or being overlooked.

The frustration of juggling double standards and the pressure of code-switching is taking a toll on you.


But guess what? Coaching can help

Let's see if it's time for us to work together.


Let's face it, High Achieving Women face a unique set of challenges that affect their personal and professional lives.

Stereotypes and bias

Imposter Syndrome

Stress and burnout

Isolation and lack of representation

Being the "First" or the "Only"

Double standards

Emotional labour

Micro (and macro) aggressions


Lack of support

Despite these challenges, you are smart, driven, and ambitious. You’ve achieved more than most, worked harder, and persevered through it all. Yet, you’re tired, feel flat and had enough of feeling like you're on a hamster wheel.

If this sounds like you coaching can help

Imagine learning to:

  • Master your overflowing to-do list.
  • Stop procrastinating.
  • End people-pleasing.
  • Set and honour boundaries.
  • Dial down perfectionism.
  • Improve your self-talk.
  • Overcome imposter syndrome.
  • Increase your clarity and confidence.
  • Remember who you are and start living life on your terms.

  • Dismantle limiting beliefs.
  • Make empowered decisions.
  • Simplify your life.
  • Reduce your guilt, worry, frustration, and overwhelm.
  • Create more balance.
  • Be more present.
  • Reclaim your spark
  • Rediscover your motivation
  • And feel so much better.

Let's be honest

You didn't learn any of those skills at university, in your internship or in any of the roles you've had since.

So it makes sense that you're struggling.

It's hard to be good at something you've never been taught.

That's what this coaching is for.

It’s your one-stop shop for learning everything you need to go from living a life you merely tolerate to a life you truly love. That’s exactly what you’ll gain when you work with me.


Coaching is a perfect fit for you if...

  • You’re paralyzed by daily stress, struggling to manage your workload while dealing with perfectionism, procrastination, and people-pleasing.

  • Imposter Syndrome is your constant companion. Despite promotions, you fear being exposed as a fraud.

It's also for you if...

  • You’re running around trying to keep everything together, seeking work-life balance and intentionality in every area of your life. But you worry that if you take your eye off the ball, everything will fall apart.

  • You may even dream of starting your own business but can’t find the time to get started.

It's especially for you if...

  • From the outside, it looks like you’ve got it all together, but inside, you feel flat, burnt out, and unsatisfied.

If you're nodding your head in agreement. I understand I've been there too.

Let's be clear

You want this because coaching is the space where it all happens.

resilience happens.

breakthrough happens.

inspiration happens.

learning to love yourself happens.

support happens.

belonging happens.

thriving happens.

Where accomplishing the
seemingly impossible HAPPENS.

You want to be in this room.

More importantly though...

You BELONG in this room.

Let’s create a life that feels as good on the inside as it looks on the outside!

Client love

“During our sessions, I finally get the time to work on me and have someone in my corner always reminding me of the good things I’ve done – like most I focus on what I’ve done wrong or missed, and you always help me focus on what makes me special which encourages me to stay positive and work on the things I have control over.  You constantly assure me it's okay to be myself and that I am awesome.”

Avonne T.

“Candy was super fantastic!  She was very open, frank yet sensitive. I enjoyed every session (and always looked forward to the sessions). Most importantly, the interactions, activities, and resources were extremely helpful in supporting me to navigate and getting me unstuck in my career. Because of the experience, I now have so much clarity of purpose and feel so empowered. ”

Kagiso P.

"Candy is a pleasure to work with. She has a wealth of knowledge and is beaming with energy. She has a passion for what she does and strives to see you, her client, succeed. She brings professionalism in sharing information. At the end of our calls, I always loved how she left me with concrete information. I recommend you reach out to Candy, together you can set out clear action plans.”

Danielle S.

Let's see if it's time for us to work together.