The Coaching Business Accelerator: Launch Your Business & Sign Clients

Launch your coaching business and learn how to sign your first paying clients in less than 12 weeks!

Here's what you need to know...

Yes, I want this!

Ready to sign clients and make money as a coach?

Join my program The Coaching Business Accelerator

Who Should Participate

This program will be a game changer if you match one (or more) of these:

1.     Are a new (ish) heart-centered coach, practitioner, or service entrepreneur who wants to work with clients one-on-one to make money and have a positive impact on the world around you.

2.     Are a new coach currently taking training or in a certification program and you don’t want to wait to start coaching.

3.     You’re a coach who wants to get started attracting and signing clients and you’re not sure where to begin

4.     You’re a struggling coach who is overwhelmed and confused by all the gurus on social media selling you another complicated approach.

5.     You’re a coach who has had a handful of random clients that you got by fluke, and want a streamlined ease-filled business and learn how to create clients

If you want to...

●      Launch your coaching business in a step-by-step way without all the trial and error. Grow your revenue without having to spam people and convince new clients

●      REMOVE the tech overwhelm and information overload

●      Have a clear understanding of who your dream clients are and what they want so you can easily communicate with them

●      Confidently own your expert authority and niche and know how you help your clients reach their goals.

●      Have a simple coaching program that ‘sells itself’ without awkward pitches or cold DMs

●      Wake up excited and motivated to work with awesome people

●      Speak authentically and in your true voice with your community

●      Be financially in control of your future

●      Breakthrough the mental barriers stopping you from helping clients transform their lives in a deep and personal way

Yes I'm Ready To Sign Paying Clients & Launch My Coaching Business

This is for you.

If you’re looking for the quickest, easiest, and most stress-free way to launch your coaching business and sign paying clients. You want more financial control and freedom by helping people transform their lives, and you want the support and guidance of a coach mentor, and a group of heart-centered people like you then you’ll love this opportunity.

If you want to transform YOUR business by working with a guide and connect with other awesome people on the same journey.  We share our fears, frustrations, goals, and ideas in a small group environment.

How much will your life and business change if you...

●      Stop chasing all the complex ‘guru’ paths

●      Stop attending all the “free” webinars that want to sell you complicated programs that leave you confused and overwhelmed and take months to implement.

●      Stop second-guessing and overthinking every business decision you make

●      Start signing paying clients. Have a coaching package to offer. Coach real people and know how to onboard new clients

●      Have a clear understanding of who your Dream Clients are and what they want so you can easily communicate with them

●      Speak in your true voice and step into a different and aligned dimension using the strength you know you have and serve a community that loves and respects you

●      Build a dream business that fills you up instead of drains you.

●      Stop feeling like you are throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping something will stick

What We’ll Be Working On

Here are some of the tools I’ll share…

  • We get you started coaching others in the easiest way possible using my proprietary 5x5 Method
  • Clarify your unique expertise and claim your personal expert authority. Discover your dream client so you have a business that you wake up excited and energized to work in and that is filled with awesome people using my Your Unique Zone Framework
  • We walk through The B3 Blueprint. This is my process to help you prepare and launch your business in the most effective streamlined way possible. One by one, step-by-step we establish your Brand, Business that fits your life, and Back office.
  • You discover Your Perfect Niche, and this will help you know precisely who you serve best which guides your coaching offer, your pricing, and all your marketing efforts.

We will follow the proven The Coaching Business Accelerator roadmap while working side-by-side in a small group

This is a 6-month program where you will begin with 12 weeks of pre-recorded digital training, worksheets and resources combined with weekly group coaching AND two private 1:1 coaching calls with Candy.

Digital Training:

Week 1: Let's Get Started And Set The Stage. Deepen your understanding of your values and superpowers so that you are building a business that fits your life and is authentically aligned to you.

Week 2: Back Office – set up your business with a minimum of tech. Only create what you need, nothing more. Learn an easy-to-deliver coaching approach so you can begin coaching right away I’ve found that people love coaching and the more people who experience it the more they will want to work with you.

Week 3: Brand & Be Seen And Narrow Your Niche. Develop a professional brand and choose a niche so you can begin reaching your best audience.

Week 4: Implementation Week. Use this week to dig in and get completely caught up -this program is not just about learning but more importantly it's about having time to integrate and implement everything you've learned.

Week 5: Your Message. Write and share a powerful bio, and easily plan and create your web presence (absolutely no complicated or fancy website required)

Week 6: Serve and Sell How to invite people to work with you and have authentic sales conversations.

Week 7: Your First Pilot Coaching Package And The 5x5 Method. Where we get you coaching with paying clients. We grow your belief in coaching and in yourself as a coach

You’ll be ready to press go when someone wants to start coaching with you with a coaching package that you can use as a roadmap to follow to help them get the outcome they want.

Week 8: Implementation Week. Let's make sure you're completely up to date!

Week 9: Ready To Attract And Sign Your First Clients Part 1. Outreach strategies and support to grow your reach. Evaluate and improve your consults.

Week 10: Ready To Attract And Sign Your First Clients Part 2. Outreach strategies and support to grow your reach. Learn how to onboard and welcome new clients.

Week 11: Momentum with Mind Your Mindset Goal setting and achieving using the Mind Your Mindset Formula. Let's get you set up to set and achieve your business goals. Document your individual best approach to creating clients, and understand where you self-sabotage so you learn how to overcome it.

Week 12: Go Forward 90-day Roadmap. Establish your go-forward plan for the next 90 days to continue to build your coaching practice and fill your calendar. So you’ll know what to do week after week!


I give you the exact path to execute all of this with the least amount of effort, time, and energy...which means...

You won’t need a huge network

You won’t need a fancy website (yet)

You won’t need a webinar

You won’t need to be everywhere on every social media or have a massive following

You won’t need any ‘convoluted funnels’

You won’t need to create or pay for ads.

You won’t need to stitch together complicated tech.

AND most importantly...

→ You won’t need to waste countless hours and thousands of dollars trying to figure it all out on your own (because we all know some of it will work and some won’t…but you won’t know which is which until you’ve tried it and tested it and compared it)


Hard to believe, I know...but it works.

Client Love

Coaching with Candy has opened my eyes up what is possible and achievable so I can live my best life. Getting through the most challenging year is my life has only been possible with coaching. Candy brings a unique warmth ,  kindness , intuitive and trusting manner to her coaching. 

I look forward to my coaching sessions with Candy. I leave each coaching session having connected to my deeper self, worked through some obstacles and with a plan to continue my life purpose. 

I would highly recommend coaching with Candy so that you can live your life to your highest expression.


- Dalvinder Dhariwal

I wanted to take a moment and express my gratitude to you. I had a connection call with my new client and I loved the new structure of the call and adding the wheel to it. I loved the inspiration to create a customized wheel for my program. I loved being able to pull ideas from your coaching agreement and intake form to improve mine. You are making my coaching life make more sense and have a more cohesive feel to it. Authenticity and ease are 2 important values to me and I love that coaching with you is helping me find both in my coaching. Thank you, thank you. With gratitude,

- Meg Edwards

I am a great coach because I’ve had an even better coach—Candy Motzek! She walks her talk and helped me find the clarity and confidence I needed to start my coaching journey. In the first couple months of working with her I signed 5 clients, and made a few bucks, but most importantly, I have started with the knowledge that I am setting up an ethical, organized business that reflects who I am. She not only provides personal touches, like checking in on me during some tough times, but provided some much-needed feedback when I was developing my website and business documents. I would tell my friends to run, not walk to sign up to work with Candy. She’s a gem of a person and coach!

-Loey Werking Wells

Read more client testimonials...


How The Accelerator Works

The first 12 weeks of our 6 months together are digital training which you can go through at a time that is most convenient for you to do focussed work.

During the 12-week program, there are 2 implementation weeks built in. During those weeks I'm available during our regularly scheduled calls to answer questions. We won’t cover anything new those weeks it’s to help you implement, make decisions, and get completely caught up.

For these 12 weeks and for the remainder of our 6-month program, you will be invited to our group coaching calls. Use these to get more specific personal input and support as you implement and continue to build your business and sign clients. This means you will have access to our weekly group coaching calls for 6-months. We meet on Zoom to answer questions, coach, review your progress to date. learntand fine-tune your approach and strategies.

(Don’t worry if you can't make all the calls - you'll always have access to the replays*).

By The End Of The Program

●      You will have everything in place and will have everything you need to launch your coaching business.

●      You’ll have clarity around who you’re best suited to help (dream client) and know how you help them. (niche)

●      You’ll have confidence about what to offer and you’ll have a coaching package ready to go.

●      You’ll know how to enroll the right people in your coaching program.

●      You’ll have a consistent presence to reflect your growing confidence as a coach.

●      You’ll know how to effectively onboard clients and how to work with them as you deliver your coaching.

●      You’ll have a roadmap for what to do, so you know what to do each week to create paying clients and continue building your business


The Investment

This 12-week program is valued at $1,997 USD or 6 monthly payments of $347 USD.


​​​​​​What To Do Next

If you'd like to participate, click the blue button to register right now. 

It would be amazing to have you join us!

Yes I'm Ready To Attract and Sign Coaching Clients


What Is This?

It's a 6- month group training and coaching program with Candy Motzek. Candy is an ICF Mentor Coach, and she holds a PCC and CPCC coaching credentials. For the first 12- weeks you will make steady progress using my digital training program and for the entire 6 months you will have access to our weekly group coaching to answer questions, overcome hurdles and implement.  All calls will be recorded and posted in the course portal


How Does It Work?

As soon as you make your payment, I'll send you an email with details about how to access the next zoom session, where to set up your first private coaching call, and give you access to the training portal.


What Happens If I Can’t Attend A Call?

Don’t worry, all calls will be recorded. I would encourage you to attend every call live,  however, I know that “life happens” and sometimes you may miss the occasional session.


Is There A Refund Policy?

Yes. If we decide for any reason during the first session that we are not a match I will refund 100% of your money and the coaching agreement will be terminated.


Will I Get To Speak With You Directly?

Yes, I am the one who will beleading the weekly group sessions. There will be time for Q&A!

Tell Me More About The Private Coaching

Yes, great question. You will receive two 30-minute private coaching calls. The first is an onboarding call so we can get to know you and learn how to best support your growth. The second call can be booked once you have completed week 12 of the digital training (at approximately the 3-month mark) As soon as you register you will be able to schedule your first call.

Do You Have Recommendations From Recent Clients?

Yes! You can read some client testimonials here on this page.

How Do I Sign Up?

This sounds great, how do I sign up? Click the blue button of your choice, it will take you to the checkout page. You can sign up and pay using a credit card or Paypal.

What Happens After I Sign Up?

You will receive an email confirmation with a link to the course portal and how to register for our first session. If you have questions, contact our support team at

I have questions before I sign up

Of course, that's normal for you to have some questions. I've made these 15-minute calls available to help you decide. Schedule your 15-minute call here >>> LINK

Meet Candy.

Candy is an ICF mentor coach, podcast host, and author who combines practical strategy and mindset in her calming unique approach.

She is a 'recovering" corporate executive and engineer and brings her strong business strategy, project management and leadership skills to support her clients.

She knows you want to become a thriving coach who spends more time actually coaching your clients and less time struggling with overwhelm and confusion.

She helps her clients get clarity, courage and grow their confidence so they can play bigger.

Yes I'm Ready To Launch My Coaching Business and Sign Clients